Who Am I If I Can’t Write It All?

When expectations become the writer, where does the writer go?

Maria Garcia


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Although a pen is a relatively small object, for the writer, it often doesn’t feel any less heavy than 5 donkeys on your back.

Luisa Madrigal, the eldest sister from Pixar’s new movie Encanto, is strong. In fact, she is so strong, that she both physically and metaphorically carries all of her family's burdens on her back. Including the town's donkeys…

What Luisa and writers have in common is the fear of finding out that they are nothing if they can’t carry it all. Or in the writer's case, if they can’t write it all.

The pressure that drip, drip, drips from the ink in our pens, and the tip, tip, tips of our fingers as we push to find the perfect word, the consistent publishing, and the unforgettable story.

The pressure that makes us question who we are if we don’t write, but never asks us who we are as writers.

Who am I if I’m not seen?

The writer’s universe has expanded since the break of online writing. If we consider how just a few decades ago, the vast majority of the world was voiceless when it came to having their words read, and that now, in every corner of the globe, writers emerge like babies being born, it…

